Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers.

Being a mother is one of the toughest jobs out there. It takes everything you have to offer and then some to attempt to give your child everything you think they deserve. You are there to kiss boo boos, the hold them when they're scared, to encourage them to try new things-even when you're heart is in your stomach the whole time, and to love them completely and unconditionally.

In reward for being a mother you experience what the word love truly means. You get to kiss, hug, and love on someone any time you want, and this someone looks up to you as the coolest person ever. You get to watch someone grow up into a beautiful, independent, successful individual. You gain a best friend, and a starring member in all the best days of the rest of your life.

Today was a beautiful day. It was sunny, warm, and clear. We had a really chill day, which was just perfect and exactly what I needed.

Nana and papa came over and hung out with us today. Nana, mama, and Bella ran over to Costco to grab a few things. So we just grabbed a cheese pizza and Caesar salad while we were there. We also stopped by one of the houses we are interested in that is still in construction phase and walked through it.
After that we went back to our house and just ate and chilled out for a while. Jason and Papa went mountain biking, and the rest of us just hung out outside, and just relaxed. The girls both took naps, then Bella and I ran through the it wasn't really warm enough to do that, but hey, when you have a three old-sometimes it's just one of those things. Then we made German Chocolate cupcakes, and of course we had to have at least one...or two.. ;o)of those.

So now Bella and I are sitting on the cough, eating popcorn and watching Toy Story-one of B's favorites. And.....Jason is cleaning the kitchen and Zoe is eating.

For my Mother's Day present I got all new bathroom stuff for the master bathroom.

That is always fun. Then I got two new pairs of Buckle jeans. I love the way their jeans fit