Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Friday, December 10, 2010

100 things you've been DYING to know about me

Most of you have seen the infamous "100 Things" post floating around out there on at least 1, if not 100, other peoples blogs. I figured I would give it a go. I've actually been compiling this list for several days, it's not as easy as you may think to come up with 100 random things about yourself!!

My name is Meagan Paige. I have always wished my mom bypassed the Meagan and named me Paige instead.

My birthday is April 20th 1984. I've always loved the fact that my birthday was 4/20- a day shared with Hitler and Carmen Elektra. One is ingeniously crazy and one is hot...where I fall in that line up is yet to be determined! :o)

My favorite color is black. I love black and usually wear at least one article of black clothing everyday, if not the entire outfit.

I have two older siblings, and one older step brother. That makes me the baby. I have always wanted a little bother or sister to torment.

I have 4 tattoos. Left foot= three tiger lilys and tribal. Right foot= a large nautical star centered on my foot with three surrounding smaller stars, and then two star on my toes. Back= Chinese symbol, suppossedly meaning dragon but who knows. Shoulders= the girls first and middle names and birthdates.

I have plans for several more tattoos, at least 4-5 more.

I have had almost every body piercing you can think of: lip, monroe, belly button, nipple, nose, tongue, and a few others. They are all gone now....sad

I used to have dred locks, synthetic of course, but I loved them. If I could get away with having my hair in dreds now i totally would do it again in a heartbeat. BUT, working in a hospital that would never fly, plus at $550 a pop every three months, I'm not sure it's worth it.

I've been to 35 of 50 states.

I've been to Europe twice, visiting a total of 5 countries: Spain, England, the Netherlands, France, and Belgium

We just bought our first house. Not too shabby considering I'm only 26, bought it when I was 25, on just MY income alone and without any help, and with me having horrible credit

I listen to rap all the time. I love the real "thug" stuff. No candy rap like flo-rida or timbaland. i'm talking the Game, Three Six Mafia, Bone Thugs n Harmony,etc. i love listening to it on my way to work.

I totally day dream that I'm a famous rapper and an all around bad bitch when i'm listening to rap...ahem....yea

I eat in the bath tub. Not little snacks, like full blown meals. Basically every night I grab a plate full of food and head to the bath tub to eat it. Don't ask me why.

I LOVE cereal, but can't tell you the last time I ate it for breakfast, or really breakfast period for that matter. I eat breakfast foods all the time, just NEVER before about 11-12.

I always thought I wanted a bunch of kids. Now that I have them, I know that two is plenty.

I have lived in 7 different states- Idaho, Oregon, Georgia, Iowa, Texas, Alaska, and Florida. I claim Alaska since i lived there for about 3 months one summer with my Aunt Shannon. Florida I claim as a psuedo live in since I spent basically every summer there with my grandparents from the time I was about 8 till the teens.

I graduated high school a year early. Moved out when I was barely 17, started college and have NEVER moved back in to my parents house. Not even for one day.

I work as a CT tech at a local hospital and love it.

I have an uncanny ability to read people, and I pretty much always know when someone is trying to bullshit me.

I love to do artsy things like paint, scrapbook etc.

I'm crazy superstitious. I won't walk under ladders, step over a broken mirror, etc.

I almost always have my nails painted. Both finger and toes.

I bite my nails, such a disgusting awful habit.

I was raised very liberally. I was allowed to do pretty much whatever as long as I kept my grades up.

I was virtually kicked out of public school in fifth grade, so I had to go to private school for three years. I went to St. Marys, a catholic school, even though we aren't Catholic.

I pretend to believe in God even though I was raised in a household that does not, nor do they support any type of religion.

I am a firm believer in premarital sex. Absolutely. just do it. You wouldnt buy a car without test driving it first, so why would you marry someone without sleeping with them first. What happens if you don't "click" in the sac?? That's what a marriage is based on basically so there goes your marriage!

I think Amsterdam is the best country ever. They have it figured out. Legalize pot, legalize prostitution and make some skrill off it! Who cares as long as it doesn't affect me. I could care less what anyone does.

I have been a vegetarian several times in my life. Starting in my teens I would go through month or so periods where I would refuse to eat meat. damn. I love prime rib though, so it gets me every time.

My birthday falls on an astrolgical cusp. Meaning, I'm on the cusp of Aries and Taurus, and depending on what horoscope you read I may be either one.

I drink Pepsi like it is going out of style. I love it from a fountain. Not crazy about cherry though.

I see shadows all the time when there is nothing there. I don't know if i'm ubber sensitive and seeing ghosts or just schitzo....

I am extremely outgoing and can talk and talk for days, but hate talking on the phone

I have only one friend from highschool that I keep any sort of contact with. Marcie is my best friend and affectionately known as my wife.

I've broken two bones, well technically quite a few more, but for ease we will just say two body parts! My arm in three places. I fell out of a two story window when I was 14 trying to sneak out. Fall all the way out, and landed two stories down on a brick walkway. That was fun going home at 330 am to explain to my mom. Then, when I was five I tripped and fell on the direction to Hi Ho Cherry O and spiral fractured my tibia all the way down. I barely escaped surgery twice.

I have seen many people die. I've seen people choked to death, people who have shot themselves in the head, OD'd on drugs and pills, drowned, suffocated, heart attack, etc. It never gets easier and you never become immune to it. However, when it is a child or baby, it ALWAYS hits you in the bottom of the gut and almost makes you sick. I remember the names and cause of death of every baby/child death I've been involved it. Morbid i know, but it really hits you.

I also read the obituaries on a daily basis....same start to see names you know after you work in the hospital for any period of time

I dream all the time, but i haven't had a nightmare in years.

I suffer from horrible headaches and migraines. out of a seven day week I have a headahce probably at least 4 if not 5 days out of the 7.

I pee in the shower

I am virtually impossible to embarass

I am super tender hearted about so much, but then on the other hand I can be the biggest b-i as well

I have pretty much perfect vision, although I have glasses, they have no prescirption in the lenses they are just special lenses to help ease the strain on my eyes from staring at the computer all day

I am fascinated by vampires....always have been even before the Twilight days.

The whole history of Halloweens I have dressed up I have been one of two things: vampire or witch

Halloween is my favorite holiday

I always start things that i will never finish

I get out of the shower without drying off

I always use my husbands toothbrush and it drives him crazy

I think it is absolutely one of the most disgusting things ever to wear someone elses earrings

I freak out if anyone touches my neck, it is aboslutely positively the place no one touches me

I have this crazy fear of having my throat slit...I don't know why but I do

I have a horrible temper

My natural hair color is auburnish. When I was little it was bright red, like Chuck E.

I have been dying my hair since I was 12, I haven't seen my natural hair color since then.

My mom took me to get my tongue pierced when I was 15, and then again when I was 16.

I got my first tattoo at 17 yrs old in Spain

I walk like I'm pregnant, I don't know why, but it is like I have no sway in my hips

I thought I had O+ blood, ya know the most common type, up until I was 21 years old and was pregnant with my first daughter. I discovered I was indeed B-, the second rarest blood type you can have. only 1 in every 67 people have B- blood vs 1 of 3 with O+

I tried to donate blood once and was turned away....I don't weigh enough

I throw up a probalby 2-3 times a month on average..for no good reason

I only find my bed comfortable during the day when I nap, at night I would actually prefer to sleep on the couch.

I do not like to snuggle. I get too hot.

Speaking of being hot while I sleep, I sleep completely nude. have since I was probably about 10 or so. I love it. it is very comfortable. My girls both sleep almost nude or stripped down to undies only.

I hate sleeping in a made bed. Too confining.

I can't sing or dance, but if I had to pick between the two it would be dancing for sure.

I dont like chocolate or peanut butter.

I believe in Karma and better watch what you say and do cuz you're gonna reap what you sow.

I have a huge goal to be fluent in Spanish

I think we should have mandatory sterilization, if you cant support your first 15 kids, then why do you need more? oh, a bigger welfare check...right

I think the death penalty should be legal in every state

I think we should stop housing so many criminals and we should just kill the ones that can't be rehabiltated. Kind of like a rabid dog-just shoot them. If you wanna rape little kids and murder and stuff like that.....lets just do away with ya.

I have bad really bad credit. But I got it high enough barely to buy a house. Granted my buying power was quite a bit lower due to debt to income ratio and such, but hey, for horrible credit, using only one income source, and only 3% down, I think we did pretty good on our little house.

Our next house will be much more impressive than this one, but we are in no hurries to purchase again..probably at least 5-10 years.

I gag almost every time I brush my teeth.

I am pretty mouthy and quite confrontational, you never have to wonder what I am saying behind your back, cuz I just said it to your face

I am totally like a guy friend...just much more male like than female like I guess

I have never been to Disney Land, but have been to Disney world about a hundred times

I went out of the country before I ever went to California for the first time

my mommy is my best friend....EVER

I am afraid of snakes

i never had a formal wedding

I never went to prom.....actually my homecoming and prom both were spent at raves with my date

If I was a boy I was going to be named Benjamin

pretty sure I was accident although my mom won't admit it

the closest I ever came to going to jail was for driving with a suspended license that i didnt even know I had

I wish I could be a godmother....not to small children but ya know like the movie the Godfather...but I wanna be the Godmother..the big kahuna, running those mafia families like a true Don :o)

I have never had a suprise birthday party

I am horrible at keeping presents secrets....only the ones i bought....9 times out of 10 you will receive your gift the minute I buy it

I dont like ice cream. Every once in a blue moon I will it, but I really am not impressed by the stuff.

I got fired for a job one time for not being Gay. yes that's right. crazy right....well I went ballistic on my manager, as soon as he fired me. I worked in the mall, so I was literally ranting and raving, walked right over to Mr Rags-when it was still in the mall, and got hired immediately, even though I was yelling less than PC comments at my manager at Spencers next door.

that is the only job i have ever been fired from

I have never given 2 weeks notice.....hmmm...crazy

I have moved in one year about 7 times....that is more than most people move in their entire lives

I can't stand boring people, there is nothing worse than being boring, maybe being stupid, but i'm not sure thats worse either.

I tazed my husband with a 300,000 volt taser once

I am quite violent in my sleep, and have hauled off and whomped Jason more than once in a peaceful slumber....too bad I wasn't awake to get the full joy of it.....

I drive way too fast. i have tons of tickets to prove it. But, I have never been in a car accident.

I am completely ADHD and have been medicated for it, but the medicine messed my blood up really bad so I was bruising like crazy, so now they have taken me off it. So i am a lot like hotsauce...a lil dab'll do ya