Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Zoe

Happy Happy Happy Birthday angel. It is so hard to  believe that you are already three years old. I remember this time 3 years ago, just like it was yesterday.......
Since I had such a hard time delivering your sister, we did  planned c-section with you. You were getting so big in there. When I was first pregnant, and went to the doctor, I told him I wanted a c-section since my babies are so big and I'm so small. He looked at me and said we would talk about it when it the time came.
By 36 weeks I was so big, he wanted an ultrasound. You were already measuring 40 weeks at only 36, but you were healthy and looked great, and other than being uncomfortable from carrying a water melon around in my belly, I was doing good too. He finally conceded to do a c-section.
At 37 weeks the doctor stripped my membranes in one last attempt to naturally start labor so we could do an early c-section, but no dice. So we planned the date- March 3, 2008- a week early of your March 9, 2008, due date.
We arrived at the hospital at 8 am, just me and daddy. We left Bella with Nana, Aunt Steph, and GG, all who came to the hospital a little later, closer to show time.
Daddy and I went into the surgery suite and literally, about 30 minutes later you were born. Wham, Bam, Thank 'ya mam. That was including the spinal, which had to be done twice- awesome, and everything.
You were born at 12:10 pm, and weighed in at 7 lbs and 13 ounces, and were absolutely perfect.
Now, it's three years later, and you are in the kitchen, digging through my purse trying to find a piece of gum as we speak. You talk all the time, and are awesome at it. You talk far beyond your mere three years of age, my love, and you sing all the time. Your favorite songs are 'Like a G6' by Dev and The Cataracts and 'Good Night' by the Black Eyed Peas. You absolutely adore your older sister, but your guys fight and make up like crazy. One minute one of you is screaming, and then 2.3 seconds later, you're laughing so hard you can hardly breath. You have such a sweet sweet little personality.You are a really caring little girl and we all love that about you. You are so funny. You are always making some sort of little noise, always. There is not a time that goes by that you aren't making some sort of racket, and  baby doll, you're thick. We LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. You weigh as much as your sister does, and she has two years and probably 8 inches on ya. I could sit here all day and list off things we love about you, but then, I realized, it's easier to say we love EVERYTHING about you. You amaze us all everyday!
We love you Zoe Soliel and wish you the best and happiest birthday ever!

Mom, Dad, and Isabella