Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Rassafer Leafs
The other night I made quiche for dinner. Now, normally the girls eat it just fine and Jason and I like it, and I really love it for the simple fact that its so simple to make. I use a a frozen pie shell, simple egg mixture and add bacon and broccoli and some cheddar cheese. Yummy stuff. Anyways, the other night Zo was being ornery and decided she wasn't going to eat it because she didn't "like" broccoli. I tried to reason with her, threaten her, bribe her and everything in between, but she wasn't eating it. Jason walks over and asks her what her deal is. She tells him that she isn't eating it because it has broccoli in it and she doesn't like broccoli. He looks at her and simply says..."oh that...that isn't broccoli, those are rassafer leafs." She looks at them, and then he asks if she likes rassafer leafs. She say she does, looks down at her quiche, and proceeds to kill the whole piece- eats like no ones business. Who know......add a bit of rassfer to your dishes and watch them disappear!! :o)