Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting Crafty II

We made scarecrows. They're so ugly they're cute, and they need hats, but here they are....what a fun project to do with your kiddos! We had no leafs yet so we crumpled up newspaper and it worked just fine.

I also made a candy corn wreath. At work on Sunday I was looking at Halloween decorations on the internet and this popped up from that magazine womens world. super cute, and ridiculously easy!
 First just get a styrofoam wreath. I just cut mine out of a square piece I had, but you can buy them for like 5 bucks at Hobby Lobby.

 Then I wrapped it in wide masking tape to smooth the rough edges of the wreath and kind of give it a 'crinkled' look.

 Then I spray painted it a matte black.

AND obviously then I glued on candy corn. You can glue them in any pattern you choose. I tied a black ribbon at the top and voila...there ya have it folks. super easy!
This is another super easy and ridiculously cheap one. I got this paper marche type unfinished banner from Hobby Lobby. It was 2.99, with 40% off. I brought it home and copied the letters onto some Halloween scrap booking paper I already had. Glued them on with Mod Podge and slapped a coat on top and once again folks it's magic!