Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


It's been forever, at least a month or two since I've done a family update. Of course all the main stuff gets blogged about as it happens, and our lives aren't that exciting to really warrant an update all that often. BUT, there are just the typical everyday happenings that go one to fill you all in on- so without further ado, here it is:

I probably have the least to report of any of us. I'm still just working Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays. Every once in a while I will pick up extra shifts, but for the most part that is it. I love my schedule and my job, and everything is going well there.
Louie and I got back from our trip to Vegas, and I'm ready to load up and go somewhere else. We had a blast. Louie is doing really good. Not much to report with him- just working and chilling. He's awesome. I'm gonna keep him. :)
 Everything else is pretty much the same ole stuff. I'm really quite boring these days.

B Bop is doing really good. She goes to school in the mornings from 9-12, and is doing awesome. Her teacher raves about what a kind and good girl she is....I'm always shocked when I don't get complaints about her talking too much. I was constantly in trouble when I was younger for talking- I NEVER shut up.... shocking I know. :) and that little girl is just like her mother.
 On Wednesdays she goes up to Bogus with Papa for her skiing lessons. She is apparently a little prodigy skiing. She started in level one, and within 2 lessons was riding the chair lift by herself, and within 3 lessons they advanced her to level four. She was the youngest one by far. Papa tells the story of looking around the mountain for her class so he could check on Bella. He found them but couldn't see Bella anywhere. All of a sudden this little person just FLIES by him in a raging blur. He looks back and lo and behold what does he notice- Bella's jacket. This little lunatic on skis is Bella.  I was laughing so hard I was crying when I heard that. I asked her about it and she flat out says, "I don't like to turn or slow down. I like to go straight and fast." Whatever- her athleticism definitely didn't come from me that's for sure.
She is also in Girl Scouts now. They only meet twice a month on every other Thursday, but every now and then they do different activities on the weekend and stuff. A week ago they had a "Thinking Day", where a bunch of troops joined together and each one did a presentation on a different country. Some troops brought ethnic food to share, some did dances, some did language lessons- there was all sorts of stuff. It was really educational for them. In a few weeks they have a badge pinning ceremony. That should be cute. :)
Her 6th birthday is in 2 weeks. I totally dropped the ball on this. I have no idea where her party is going to be or anything else. I haven't sent out invitations or anything. Usually I'm really good about this, but not this year. Oh well. I have plenty of time to get something put together.
Really, that's about all that's going on with B Bop. She is getting bigger and smarter every day it seems. She is an amazing little lady.

Zoe started preschool again. She goes everyday the same hours that Bella goes to school. It's nice in a way because I get every morning from 9-12 to myself. It's nice to have that time to clean, run errands, do laundry- whatever I need to do. Anyways, she of course loves it and they love her. It's really interesting because EVERYONE  that meets Zoe talks about how unique she is and how they just love her. She is a very unusual child. It's almost like she has an old soul. It's hard to explain unless you've met her, but she's awesome.
She isn't in any other activities right now. Probably put her back in something here soon, but I'm not sure what I'm going to try her at. We will have to test her with something musical since she loves music so much. Piano lesson might be an option??
Zo's 4th birthday is in a week. It's not going to be anything major, just some family and close friends probably at my moms house. Cake, ice cream, presents and call it quits. She is excited. She hasn't talked any about presents, everything has been about what a big girl she is going to be, and then "who's happy birthday is after mine mom?" every time it comes up. She knows Bella's birthday is after hers by just a few days, so we always have to include that in the conversation. :)
That settles Zoe.

We are all pretty mellow these days. The girls stay busy between me and their dad and nana and papa, they are CONSTANTLY on the go and doing things. Actually, they're spoiled rotten, but they're good girls and that is all that matters.