Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Checking In

Just a quick post to check in. Everything is going good here. There are few things that have been going on that are note worthy so I will let you guys have them.

Easter weekend was great. On Easter we had brunch at the Owyhee Plaza Hotel. Then Louie came over for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. What would Easter be without baskets? The girls got some really cute stuff from the Easter bunny this year and they were stoked to see that he didn't get lost and left them each a basket brimming with trinkets, toys and candy.

Bella is finishing up here first skiing season with a full day session tomorrow. She absolutely loves it and is good at it so I have a feeling that this is something that she is going to be wanting to do for a long time. It's nice to find  something that she really enjoys to occupy her time. It's a bummer she only get to do it in the winter.

We have Bella signed up for the YMCA summer camp this summer. She will go full time, everyday from basically 9 to 5 or 530. She needs it. She has far too much energy to be home all day everyday. She would be miserable and I would be crazy. Zo is  another story. She is totally chill and content to just play, color or watch movies or something. She will go to daycare Tuesdays and Fridays when I'm at work, but other than that Zoe is going to be hanging out at home.

I got hair extensions. They were awful. I ripped half of them out and have cut the other half basically off. I was super excited to get them and then utterly let down when they were finished. They seriously looked like a flippin' mullet. It was terrible.

My mother, the girls and I have registered for the Race for the Cure. We are going to make this an annual thing that we all do. It's fun and its for a good cause. Im going to make the girls some tutus I think. Get them some super cute pink tops and little pink and white tutus...super cute! We are going to do the 5k walk and just pull the girls in the wagon. It should be a blast.

Other than that life is same as normal.