Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What's Happenin'

Sorry that it has been ages since I posted anything good...we've been busy. Everyone is doing awesome and the hum drum of everyday life continues. Here is the skinny on us-

Bella is doing super good in school. She loves Longfellow and fits right in down town. Her dad and I both really like that it is an inernational focus school, and that she gets to learn so much about other countries and their cultures. Her reading and math skills have gone off the charts and we are super proud of all the progress she has made. Way to go awesome baby!!!! :)

She is playing soccer this fall and is killing it. It is her third year and it seems to have finally clicked. The past couple years have been a lot of roaming around the field and cartwheeling, but this year she's really getting in there and playing. She will also continue skiing this winter. She is a demon on the hill, so we want to encourage her to pursue that if she likes it.

She has decided to be a blue ninja for Halloween this year, so we have started  the quest for that costume along with the sword she insists she needs to go with it.

This last weekend she went to Montana with my parents for four days- by herself. They went to watch cousins play in soccer tournaments. I missed her like crazy, but she did really good and had a blast.

Zoe goes to school at the YMCA downtown and is LOVING it. She has a slew of buddies and every morning is anxious to go see her friends. She is one lucky cookie, because her teacher also happens to be her cousin....a few degrees separated- she is Jason's cousins wife, but hey it's all in the family. Zoe loves Connie and let me tell you, Connie loves Zoe.

Zoe is not in any extra curricular activites- she chooses not to be. She is perfectly content to just hang out with us, play, ride her scooter, and whatever else. She doesn't need the constant diversions that Bella needs- she is way more mellow than either her sister or mother! :) Regardless, I think next year she will HAVE to be in something. Music, dance, soccer, whatever, but she is going to have to decide on at least one activity.

Zoe wants to be Rapunzel, or Tangled, for Halloween. She wants hair all the way from the bathroom to the park. Ha...good luck on that one have to quit cutting your hair first. :)

as for Louis and myself- we are awesome. We love our new house and the location is killer. Finally getting everything settled and put away. It's hard to combine two houses into one. What to keep, what to throw away, what to put in storage, what to replace....the list goes on, but we are getting there. We have decided the first order of business is to get the girls' room done, and then after that we want to buy a new couch set. All in due time- other  than rushing to get the girls room done, the rest can wait.

We are coming up one our one year anniversary. I'm not sure what we are going to do but I'm sure we will find some way to commemorate the day! :) It's hard to think that a year has already flown by. We have so much fun together and every day is better than the last.  He is my best friend and lover rolled into one and I couldn't ask for anything better. He totally completes me. :)

I got a new job and it's going really well. My schedule works well with Jasons and it allows me more time with the girls. I have nothing to complain about!

thats it kids....the low down on us. I will try to be more apt in my posting now  that things are settling.