Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Monday, November 12, 2012


I just wanted to post about how much I love mi amor. He is soooo super awesome. Every night when I come home from work he has the house cleaned, candles lit, and everything ready for me to come home. If Im home from work, he comes home for lunch to visit and will either try to take the day off or get off as early as he can to come be with me, or he will try to work from home. The other day I had a headache at work and just felt crappy. Well, when I got home he had flowers and a card for me, the house was spotless, candles were lit, trip hop was playing in the back ground, bath was ready. It's so awesome to come home to this each and every night. Most ladies only get this treatment on special days, but this lucky little duck gets it all the time. It doesn't go un-noticed or unappreciated either. I understand how fortunate I am and try to let him know that he makes me super happy. I couldnt ask for anything more, he is absolutely amazing and I am head over heels stupid in love with the most amazing guy...sorry ladies he's all mine and I have no intentions of letting him go or sharing....sorry.