Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Tradition

SOOOOO, we have decided to start a new tradition- Las Vegas every year in February. We went last year over Valentine's Day and had a blast. We decided we wanted to go again this year but it didn't work for us to go over V-day, so we decided to go the following week. We are staying the same place we stayed last year for several reasons- one being it's super cheap and two because there's LOTS of memories there. We are very excited. We are going February 20 to February 24th. We were thinking of flying but have decided to just drive. So thats it, our new tradition in a nutshell! :o)