Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Happenings

So a lot has been going on lately that I just hvent had the time and or motivation to to blog about. So here it is-

SCHOOL: Isabella is now going to public school. We had her in a private Christian school, but opted out of it for financial reasons, so now she goes to the local school. Next year it will be a magnet school so I guess thats ok, but I was more than a little disappointed that we had to do that.  Zoe is also no longer in preschool, that will ahve to wait till next year.

HALLOWEEN: The girls had a blast on Halloween. We went to a nearby subdivision and just let them roam for about an hour before we decided it was too cold and we called it quits. They still made quite the haul.

PAPERS: I filed the divorce papers one week ago. Idaho is one of the easiest states to get divorced in- 20 days and it will be final. I'm so ready for this all to be over- it has been such a hassel from the day I asked jason to move out till the day the papers are finalized are just insane....absolutely insane. Few more days and I will be an officially free woman! Child support has also been calculated and all I have to say is that Jason lucked out there....only a few hundred a month, but it's good enough to help out with the food and clothes and stuff. Custody is split, but I have them from Sunday nights at about 8 to fridays at 6. he has them on the weekends.

DATEING: I've been dating a guy named Louie now for about a month, and I really really like him. We have a lot of fun together. He is 35, has a 6 yr old daughter, just moved here from Seattle about a year ago, is stable in his career and is totally awesome. I might be just a little smitten.....

ANNIE: Annie went back to the pound-after she caused several hundred dollars in damage to my house both inside and out, chewd through one kennel and busted the door out of another, I decided that maybe she wasn't the right dog for me.

HOUSE: One more month and the house will officially be out of foreclosure! I am so excited. Woohoo. It feels good to not only have saved it, but to have done it by myself. Way to go me!!!!

Well, I think that sums up my life in a nutshell for the past 4 weeks or so. Hope all is well with everyone, and I will try to get some pictures up here pretty soon.