Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Next Step

Well, I guess we moved from the dating stage up to the next stage...Louie has officially referred to me as his girlfriend....woohoo!! I seriously don't know how I managed to luck out and meet such an awesome guy. He is amazing. Plus he makes me feel amazing. He is my biggest supporter, and guess what guys....I'm not taking my pills anymore. I don't need them. I'm not friggin' bipolar...I was just miserable. I look back at my life 6 months ago and what it is today, and the difference is astonishing.  I dont take meds, I don't do stupid stuff, I dont associate myself with lame people anymore, I'm totally back to the old me...the way I was 10 yrs ago...the real meg. She is awesome. She is fun. She is spunky. She is outgoing. She laughs all the time. She is sporadic. She is a cool chick if I do say so myself, and its all me baby. I can't wait to introduce you all to my man....he is a keeper. I will get some pics of him one of these days and post them up.....hopefully before thanksgiving....speaking of turkey day...who is excited? I am I am. I am ready to grub. It's going to be at my house this year since the house my parents are building in harris ranch wont be done till after christmas.  it is just going to be my parental units, the ladies and me and louie...and im sure it is going to be a blast. alright well im going to take my love drunk behind to bed now- i just had to share the news that we are making progress here folks...big moves people, big moves.