Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits. Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Some Doughnuts and the park

It's been such a beautiful, mild winter, that the girls and I have been trying to get out as much as possible. Today was no exception. It was gorgeous. We headed down to the north end to go to DK Donuts, quite arguably the best doughnuts in town- the only PROBLEM is that more than once I have been in there and they have had like one tray of doughnuts... mostly just the left overs from the morning and thats all they have. BUT if you are lucky enough to get there when the selection is good, then you are in for a treat. They even have a maple bar with a piece of bacon on top...not up my alley, but hey they always sale out so it must be tasty. :)

After doughnuts it was off to Camels Back Park. We climbed the mountain first, then played in the sand at the bottom of the mountain for a while, and then it was off to the equipment. The girls played till got dark basically. We had such a fun time. :)